Tobacco control research
- Montserrat Ballbe Gibernau
- Dolors Carnicer Pont
- Armando Peruga Urrea
- Antoni Baena Garcia
- Francisca Sureda Llull
- Cristina Martinez Martinez
- Marcela Yu-Lan Fu Balboa
- Esteve Salto Cerezuela
- Anna Riccobene Liroz
- Marta Enriquez Mestre
- Marco Cornejo Ovalle
- Ariadna Feliu Josa
- Beladenta Amalia
- Eva Gavilan Castillo
- Sarah Oliveira Nogueira
- Judith Saura Lopez
- Yolanda Castellano Flores
- Jon Aldazabal Esquivel
- Olena Tigova
- Laura Anton Gomez
- Anna Schiaffino Rubinat
- Merce Margalef Llobera
- Maite Narvaez Seixa
Epidemiology, Public Health, Cancer Prevention and Palliative Care
Scientific production
Impact factor: 167,12
Selected publications
- Dobson, Ruaraidh; O’Donnell, Rachel; Tigova, Olena; Fu, Marcela; Enriquez, Marta; Fernandez, Esteve; Carreras, Giulia; Gorini, Giuseppe; Verdi, Simona; Borgini, Alessandro; Tittarelli, Andrea; Veronese, Chiara; Ruprecht, Ario; Vyzikidou, Vergina; Tzortzi, Anna; Vardavas, Constantine; Semple, Sean; Castellano, Yolanda; Ballbe, Montse; Amalia, Beladenta; Paniello, Blanca; Jose Lopez, Maria; Continence, Xavier; Arechavala, Teresa; Henderson, Elisabet; Gallus, Silvano; Lugo, Alessandra; Liu, Xiaoqiu; Bosetti, Cristina; Davoli, Enrico; Borroni, Elisa; Colombo, Paolo; Clancy, Luke; Keogan, Sheila; Byrne, Hannah; Behrakis, George D.; Behrakis, Panagiotis; Vyzikidou, Vergina Konstantina; Bakelas, Gerasimos; Mattiampa, George; Boffi, Roberto; De Marco, Cinzia; Bertoldi, Martina; Cortini, Barbara; Lachi, Alessio; Chellini, Elisabetta; Lopez Nicolas, Angel; Trapero-Bertran, Marta; Celdran Guerrero, Daniel; Radu-Loghin, Cornel; Nguyen, Dominick; Starchenko, Polina; Soriano, Joan B.; Ancochea, Julio; Alonso, Tamara; Teresa Pastor, Maria; Erro, Marta; Roca, Ana; Perez, Patricia; Garcia Castillo, Elena. Measuring for change: A multi-centre pre-post trial of an air quality feedback intervention to promote smoke-free homes. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105738
- Martinez, Cristina; Feliu, Ariadna; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu, Marcela; Fernandez, Paz; Cabrera-Jaime, Sandra; Puig-Llobet, Montse; Galimany, Jordi; Guydish, Joseph; Fernandez, Esteve. Factors associated with receipt of the 5As model of brief intervention for smoking cessation among hospitalized patients. ADDICTION. 10.1111/add.15076
- Feliu, Ariadna; Fu, Marcela; Russo, Marta; Martinez, Cristina; Sureda, Xisca; Jose Lopez, Maria; Cortes, Nuria; Fernandez, Esteve. Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in waterpipe cafes in Barcelona, Spain: An assessment of airborne nicotine and PM2.5. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109347
- Martinez, Cristina; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu, Marcela; Riccobene, Anna; Feliu, Ariadna; Tigova, Olena; Ballbe, Montse; Anton, Laura; Fernandez, Paz; Cabrera-Jaime, Sandra; Puig-Llobet, Montse; Moreno, Carmen; Falco-Pegueroles, Anna; Galimany, Jordi; Maria Estrada, Joan; Guydish, Joseph; Fernandez, Esteve. Patient perceptions of tobacco control after smoke-free hospital grounds legislation: Multi-center cross-sectional study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES. 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103485
- Amalia B, Fu M, Feliu A, Tigova O, Fayokun R, Mauer-Stender K, Fernández E . Regulation of electronic cigarette use in public and private areas in 48 countries within the WHO European Region: a survey to in-country informants. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 10.2188/jea.je20200332
Research highlights
7 Ongoing projects
2 Granted projects
1 Defended thesis
3 Ongoing theses
Selected projects
- Joint Action on Tobacco Control: JATC (2017 – 2020) PI: FERNANDEZ MUÑOZ, ESTEVE. Funder: COMUNITAT EUROPEA.
- Consumo de tabaco y exposición al humo ambiental y residual del tabaco en adultos: cohortes EurestPlus-Spain (2018 – 2020) PI: FU , MARCELA. Funder: FIS-Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
- Caracterización del patrón de consumo y síndrome de abstinencia del consumo dual de cannabis y tabaco en personas con trastorno por consumo de cannabis que inician tratamiento de deshabituación: Estudio DuCATA (2021 – 2023) PI: MARTINEZ MARTINEZ, CRISTINA. Funder: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y POLITICA SO.
- Exposición de la población española al imaginario tabático en programas de televisión (Estudio Imagin TAB-tv) (2021 – 2023) PI: PERUGA URREA, ARMANDO. Funder: FIS-Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
- Evaluación y seguimiento de estrategias de control del tabaco, contaminación ambiental por tabaco y consumo y actitudes en las unidades de salud mental de Cataluña. Estudio TCAT-sm. (2019 – 2021) PI: BALLBE GIBERNAU, MONTSERRAT. Funder: FIS-Instituto de Salud Carlos III.